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Changes of Tenants & Sub-Letting

Changes of Tenants

Anyone vacating the property is required to provide us with written notice on a Form 13 (Notice of Intention to Leave). Anyone looking to move into the property must complete a full application and it must be approved by our office prior to anyone moving into the property.

Should permission be granted for tenants to change/transfer during a General Tenancy Agreement, the outgoing tenant must liaise and arrange with the incoming tenant to be paid their share of the lodged bond. Please ensure that you also contact your Property Manager so that they can arrange for the correct forms to be signed by all parties and the appropriate one sent to the Bond Authority.



Subletting is not permitted without written approval from the Owner. This includes assigning the tenancy over to a third party, or allowing other occupants to move in without our express permission. Permission involves a formal application being completed and submitted by the prospective tenant/occupant.


Breaking your Lease

A “Lease Break” situation occurs when the tenants during the fixed term tenancy wish to vacate the property prior to the lease expiry date. Should you find yourself in this position you should notify your Property Manager in writing immediately. Please refer to Clause 7 of your General Tenancy Agreement, which will explain what fees you, as the tenant, will be liable to pay as a result.