Surfers Paradise Blog



An opportunity arises during an inspection of your property where you meet with the tenant/s. It could be a scheduled routine inspection with your property manager or attending to maintenance at the property.

During the meeting you connect with the tenant and the relationship is friendly… you even really like the tenant/s and feel a bond towards them.  You give the tenant/s your contact details, as you feel it is the convenient and friendly thing to do if they need or want anything from you.

Yes, you have the best intentions in mind when you give the tenant/s your contact details, but don’t do it.  Politely let the tenant know to contact their property manager, as from past experiences, landlords who become involved with the tenant/s, can often find themselves placed in awkward and uncomfortable situations should there be a turn of events.

As your managing agent, it is our focus to work with all parties to ensure harmonies win/win outcomes to endless possibilities that can arise during the management of a tenancy.  While there are times where landlord and tenant relationships can progress well, there are also an equal number of landlord and tenant relationships that can become strained and stressful for all parties.

Appointing a managing agent to look after and care for your property has many benefits, such as minimising your involvement with the day to day management of your property, as well as, shielding you from difficult unexpected tenant situations.

It starts out simple and innocent.

You become friendly with the tenant and they are happy for you to call around and attend to maintenance, until they start to feel their privacy is being invaded.

The tenant decides that it is not fair to pay the large water bill account and because they have your details, they pressure you to waiver or reduce the account.

The tenant is due for a rent review as their weekly rent is way under the market value and they start to call you direct to ask you not to increase the rent.

The tenant starts to call you with constant maintenance complaints at the property and when you don’t action their requests, they start harassing you.

You now cannot stop the tenant from calling you.

It is okay to value and respect your tenant, but always be mindful of possible outcomes in giving the tenant/s your contact details.