
Tenant Login

Where you pay rent - all rental payments will now be processed by the app. You can pay via our in-app methods such as direct debit or credit card or you can use your own internet banking to pay via BPAY.

How you request maintenance - rather than calling or emailing your Property Manager you now jump into the app to lodge the request from your phone, iPad or computer.

How you access your data - Lease agreements, payment history, by-laws, condition reports etc - you can find this all in the app so you no longer have to contact your Property Manager and request they send a copy to you.

General queries - Regardless of your query, you can now communicate directly with your Property Manager in the app.

How do I log in?

Managed is a Web App that is also Mobile-Responsive. This means you don't download an app, instead you simply visit go.managedapp.com.au on any device and enter your login information.

Now you just need to wait for your invitation!