Rockingham Blog



Street Appeal – First Impressions are everything!

Does your property look appealing from the street? Prospective tenants will often drive by the property before the viewing to have a closer look. Ensure the lawns and gardens are mowed and edged regularly whilst the property is vacant, this also gives passer-by’s the impression the home is occupied. Trim back trees and tidy up shrubs, mulching garden beds improves their overall presentation and is also great water saver. Consider installing reticulation, even if off a mains supply. This is appealing to a would-be tenant as it means a nice garden with less effort. Check gutters and downpipes are all intact and clear and maybe a fresh coat of paint to improve the overall look. An attractive entry area is and inviting invitation to see more.


Inside Appeal - small cost for big impact!

Minor cost effective upgrades can boost the appeal of your property without blowing the budget. Consider upgrading light fittings, door handles, curtains, shower heads, towel rails, toilet seats and taps throughout the home. These inexpensive items can modernise a tired aged home. Budget for more expensive items Carpets, curtains/blinds and paints (which can be claimed as a Tax Depreciation) as these improvements can completely change the internal look of home which is starting to show its age.


Home Improvements

Often the value of home improvements is not always initially clear as they add up slowly over time. Attracting good tenants who will pay the rent and look after the home is main the goal and when owners take care of their home, this can be a motivator for a tenant to do the same! Consider upgrading your home with the following features for overall appeal; Dishwasher, bore & retic, air conditioning or ceiling fans, wood fire heater, rear patio shed or workshop, security screens, house alarm system, automatic garage door, solar power or even a pool.