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Change of Tenants

Change of Tenants

During your tenancy, there may be changes to the people involved in the tenancy agreement. We need to be notified if one or more tenant/s are leaving, or if you would like to have another person reside at the property.


We require a Notice of Intention to Leave (Form 13) giving no less than 2 week’s notice of intention to vacate by the person/people leaving. We also need to be provided an update of income for the person/people remaining, to make sure that the remaining tenants will still meet our affordability criteria.

Change of tenants and bond arrangements:

When tenants change and the rental bond arrangements change during a tenancy a change of bond contributors form must be sent to the RTA. Everyone must sign this form, including the property manager/owner.

The tenant/s leaving will also need to get their share of the bond from the tenant/s moving in or those remaining. If there is a dispute regarding the refund of bond between the remaining tenants and the vacating tenants it is up to the tenants to dispute this matter between themselves or through the Tribunal.

The RTA needs an accurate record of who has contributed to the bond to ensure the refund process goes smoothly at the end of a tenancy.